Professional Development
Baylor University Career Center
The Baylor University Career Center provides professional assistance to all Baylor graduate and undergraduate students through specialized career coaching, premium resources, connections with employers, career exploration, and much more, to ensure students make the most of their career potential.
BCU Scholars
Baylor's Baptist College & University Scholars is a collaborative partnership program of the Baylor Graduate School, the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities (IABCU) and IABCU Partner Schools. This program seeks to strengthen ties among IABCU member schools by identifying Baptist College and University Scholars from Ph.D. or MFA programs.
Doctoral Admin Fellow
Doctoral Administrative Fellows are a select group of doctoral students who play an integral role in the Graduate School. The fellowships allow students to gain administrative experience and a distinct perspective on the university’s operations while serving the Graduate School and their peers.
GPS Workshops
The Graduate School offers several free, interrelated workshops each academic year designed to help our students succeed throughout their academic journey at Baylor and even beyond graduation. The workshops are branded as GPS Workshops: Grad Pathways for Success under the auspices of the Baylor University Graduate School.
Students can access resources, search for jobs and internships, and register for an appointment on Handshake.
Mock Interviews
Enhance your job search preparation by participating in a simulated committee interview. You choose the position (hopefully one you are actually applying for), and we gather a mock hiring committee made up of volunteer faculty and administrators who will interview you for it.
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship Program
The Graduate School launched the Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in 2020-2021 with the support of the Provost’s Office and in collaboration with the College of Arts & Sciences and the Honors College. Currently, postdoctoral fellowships in the Honors College and the College of Arts & Sciences are offered for Baylor graduates through the Graduate School. These 10-month positions will include a salary of $46,000, continued access to Graduate School travel funds, additional mentoring and professional development training, and the same health benefits as Baylor faculty for the 10-month duration of the postdoctoral position.
Present Your PhD
Baylor Present Your PhD (PyPhD for short) is a graduate student organization with the vision to bring professional-level science into classrooms and the community. They give science presentations of all knowledge levels ranging from the basics of what science is and what it means to be a scientists all the way up to the advanced research they are doing in their program.