Master of Arts Health Professions Program
Applications to the M.A. Health Profession program are only considered for summer matriculation (first summer session begins around June 1). This is a full, 1-year program that requires summer coursework to complete all degree requirements in time for graduation the following May.
As with most professional degree programs (e.g., MBA), students do not receive stipends and are responsible for most, and sometimes, all of the 30 semester hours of tuition required for the degree. Top applicants may receive a tuition scholarship, ranging from 5 to 20 semester hours of credit. However, tuition scholarships are merit based and limited. Top students are also given the opportunity to serve as teaching assistants in health-related courses (e.g., Anatomy and Physiology) if we are short PhD student TAs to cover all of the labs.
Most applicants accepted to this program possess a B.S. degree in Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry, a minimum GPA of 3.0 (usually >3.5), GRE verbal and quantitative reasoning scores at or above the 70th percentile, and a strong personal statement demonstrating maturity and a commitment to a career in a health-related field.
The application deadline for this program is February 15, no exceptions.