Biology: the study of life.
Studying biology at Baylor is a journey that will give you a new perspective on the world. You will learn from a variety of biologists; some who study life at the molecular or cellular level, and others focusing on the ecological and environmental questions concerning entire communities and ecosystems.
Excellence in science that matters.
Baylor biologists recognize that the scientific process is a tool that can be used to understand the workings of the natural world and to solve many concerns of our time. We strive to teach students to become excellent observers and to develop a creative eye for the applications of biology.
Preparing for your career.
An understanding of biological science prepares you to be an investigator of living things at many levels. This translates into careers in healthcare, education, biotechnology, ecology, and many other areas.
Contact Us
Dana Dean, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Undergraduate Program Director
A. 218 BSB
(254) 710-2579
Biology Office
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