The Collaborative Equipment Network for Teaching and Research (CENTR) at the BSB facilitates access to shared equipment providing both scheduling and invoicing services. CENTR is powered by FOM Networks and serves as a central scheduling hub for all major equipment and instrumentation in our core research facilities.
Center for Microscopy and Imaging
The Center for Microscopy and Imaging (CMI) at Baylor University is a central laboratory located in the Baylor Sciences Building (BSB, C155). Its main goals are to provide students and researchers with scientific support in different fields of microscopy through state of the art techniques, current academic knowledge, an awareness of current scientific opinion and scientific excellence.
Center for NMR Spectroscopy
The Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) Spectroscopy at Baylor functions through a collaboration between the departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Geosciences, and the Director's Office of the Sciences Building. For routine training and access to the instruments, or all other issues and advanced training, contact Dr. Xu (See contact information on the right).
Mass Spectrometry Center
The Baylor University Mass Spectrometry Center (BU-MSC) is dedicated to providing a state-of-the-art analytical mass spectrometry facility to serve our research and teaching communities. The BU-MSC operates with the idea that a fully open-access, user-driven environment is the best conduit towards the development of leading-edge, interdisciplinary research. To that end, BU-MSC staff strive to transfer mass spectrometry expertise to every project and every user, bringing a new generation of scientists into the frontiers of discovery.
Molecular Biosciences Center
The Molecular Biosciences Center (MBC) was established in 2006 as a core research center located at Baylor University in Waco, Texas whose goal is to enable, enhance, expand, and encourage molecular bioscience research.
The Baylor Sciences Building (BSB) Vivarium’s mission is to ensure animal welfare and facilitate research. The BSB Vivarium provides husbandry and care services for rodents used in animal research and also serves as a resource for all vertebrate animal users. The BSB Vivarium provides training to all users and can provide tailored training to meet the specific needs of a research project.
Shared Equipment
There are several shared-equipment rooms available throughout the Science building. Please contact the appropriate department and/or faculty member to discuss using these facilities.